Fresh tomatoes, corn, and peppers were a way of life during the summer’s in my childhood. I remember sitting at the table with my family listening to the “elders” talk about canning tomatoes, five each other tips about how to grow the largest zucchini, or when the best time to plant onions is. I would love to say that the desire to carry on the tradition was something I always desired but I would be lying. I have dabbled in growing a garden but always drop the ball a month into it. By the end of the sinner my garden resembled a weed patch more than it did a place where vegetable grow.
When I entered my 40’s lets just say that I gained a whole new perspective on life. Without explaining all of the ailments that have plagued me I will just say that I understand why my “elders” felt it was necessary to be connected with the world they live in. My desire to find my green thumb gets stronger by the day. I am so happy that my husband is a willing participant in my crazy antics…I use the word “willing” loosely. Maybe I should say he entertains my notions without giving me too much grief!
Now that I have explained a bit about where I am coming from, I would like to explain where I would like to go from here. I want a garden that supplies my family with fresh vegetables, year around. I would like to freeze or can the food that we cannot eat fresh. I want to raise my own birds so we have eggs year round and I want to raise my own meat and hunt so we can eat the meat from our freezer without needing to go to the grocery store. Too say I have created a tall order for myself would be an understatement but why not dream big?
What I have learned about myself over the last 40+ years is that if I feel like I am helping other, it helps me stay focused. Hence, this blog…this is my way of sharing what I learn as I learn it. I will never claim to be an expert but I promise to share the knowledge that I gain through my experiences. So, here’s to a grand adventure of learning and figuring out what it takes for my husband and I to make my crazy dreams become a reality.


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